Friday, May 8, 2020

The Social Problem Of Crime - 978 Words

This information analysis focuses on the social problem computer crime, but more specifically identity theft. In this paper, I analyzed six different articles from various sources. I chose cyber crime as my topic because I have an interest in computers and coding. I also like to watch documentaries and a television show on cybercrime scene investigations. Analyzing articles on this topic will help me develop further knowledge on this topic and how it is considered a social problem in our society. Computer crime refers to any violation of the law in which a computer is the target or means of criminal activity (Mooney, Knox, Schacht, 2014, p.113). Computer crime is also known as cybercrime. Cybercrime continues to have far reaching effects because it affects individuals, companies, and organizations and is increasingly a problem in the globalized world we live in. This is because we rely so much on cell-phones, computers, and us many social network sites. Cybercrime is considered a s ocial problem because it negatively affects a large group of people in our society. In 2014, there were 1.5 million cyber attacks worldwide (â€Å"IBM Cyber Security Intelligence Index,† 2015, pg.13). One type of computer crime is identity theft. Identity theft is the use of someone else’s personal information to obtain credit or other economic rewards (Mooney, et al, 2014, pg.113). Identity theft first became a crime in 1998, when Congress passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence ActShow MoreRelatedCrime : A Social Problem1205 Words   |  5 PagesCrime: A Social Problem In 2013 it was reported that every person living in the United States will be a victim of a crime at some point in their lives (Macionis. 2015). A staggering statistic, crime is undoubtedly a significant problem in modern day society. 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